Moments with Wisdom: Seth Godin Prompts Knowing & Caring

On February 1, 2023, Seth Godin posted this on his blog:

Don’t know, don’t care

Clients and customers can be frustrating.

Perhaps they don’t know what you know.

Perhaps they don’t care.

It’s possible to educate and inspire.

It might be more productive to find the few that want to go where you do.

In search of insights for reflection, I periodically open Seth’s Blog and find cross-industry gems. This one—”Don’t know, don’t care”—proves noteworthy through an educator’s lens because, of course, we can’t say “don’t know, don’t care.” While I’ve occasionally encountered an educator who thinks “it might be more productive to find the few that want to go where [they] do,” most teach in classes, practices, rehearsals, advisory, and more to educate every student. Some—the deeply committed and skilled few—teach, iterate, and inspire the frustrating, driven, indifferent, and enthusiastic students.